rebasing造句1. In addition, rebasing just before performing a deliver operation reduces or eliminates the need for manual merging during the delivery.
2. Practice UCM rebasing and delivery to maintain integrity of each practitioner's private copy up to the last moment of integration.
3. Rebasing streams is a multi-step process, much like delivering activities.
4. Rebasing is very important and greatly improves the performance of the entire system.
5. Rebasing is about safely doing this and then deleting the old 1.0 based versions so they don't clutter the tree.
6. However, when the focus is 'authoring a clean software revision history', rebasing is sometimes a superior method.
7. It's amazing how many commercial applications ship today without proper rebasing and binding.
8. Future articles in this series will discuss project sets as well as the other two UCM developer role operations: delivering activities, and rebasing the work area.
9. Noda's views as of the possibility of Tokyo and Washington reviving their alliance, which has been rocked the past two years by disputes over rebasing U. S. forces inside Japan.
10. For more complex merges, especially when the teams haven't been rebasing their branches on a regular basis, the team that developed the feature will need to assist.
11. Baselines are typically the starting point for many of your activities, such as creating streams, rebasing a stream, and so on.
12. Ghana was recently declared a middle-income country, based mainly on a rebasing of its economic indicators.