快好知 kuaihz

big cheese造句
1. He is the big cheese. 2. One of the big cheeses from NASA gave a speech. 3. Evidently he was considered a big cheese here, and was greeted by everyone. 4. Who's the big cheese in the small town? 5. He's the big cheese here. 6. It belongs to the big cheese, Mr. Brisbane. 7. You must be a big cheese. 8. Here comes the big cheese himself. Have we got the red carpet out? 9. This man is now a big cheese in this industry. 10. He thinks he's the big cheese, but in fact he's only one of the maggots! 11. He is a big cheese in the Art Fraud Squad. 12. This I corrected in a grocery store, piled with butter and big cheeses and shelves of pickles and bread.