快好知 kuaihz

1 Only the king and priests could enter a ziggurat. 2 This unique arcadian ziggurat is thus removed from the category of a mere visual or functional object and achieves a new level of green architecture connecting to and stimulating all of the senses. 3 Call me crazy, but storming a Scourge ziggurat outside a plagued Nerubian city with a dozen men ain't my idea of fun. 4 The bricks of the Ziggurat are stamped with the name of Ur Nammu, the Sumerian king who built it. 5 Go to the Wailing Ziggurat, see if he's doing okay. 6 Our situation is nearly hopeless. We were ordered to take the Wailing Ziggurat with a handful of men. 7 The seventh layer of Mount Celestia can be reached only by climbing the ziggurat. 8 The peak of the great mountain is found here , topped by a giant ziggurat that ascends even higher. 9 In Wright's early plans for the Guggenheim, the right half was a ziggurat; he inverted it to get the present shape. 10 We think he went off north to the Wailing Ziggurat. 11 Meanwhile, the owner, George Koril, kept busy constructing a fresh ziggurat of shawarma, layering slabs of thinly sliced raw beef onto a vertical spit capped by a ripe tomato. 12 The world's oldest arch survives here, together with some of the oldest known writing:many of the bricks of the Ziggurat are stamped with the name of Ur Nammu, the Sumerian king who built it.