快好知 kuaihz

1. He spoke in stentorian tones. 2. Suddenly a stentorian voice boomed across the room. 3. He bellowed in a stentorian voice. 4. He frowned and in stentorian fashion summoned a doctor. 5. Perhaps Harriet had been roused by Pringle's stentorian cry. 6. Harriet slept so soundly that even her stentorian snoring did not disrupt her slumber. 7. His stentorian approach and his commanding presence have been influential on the good order of the Assembly. 8. Now all joined in solemn stentorian accord. 9. The stentorian tones of auctioneer, calling out to clear , now announced that the sale to commence. 10. Stentorian snores came from the shadows - Chen Yueh - ngo's elder brother, a stevedore. 11. Speak softly; you don't need a stentorian voice to be heard in this small room.