快好知 kuaihz

1. All her remarks were greeted with acclamation. 2. The news was greeted with considerable popular acclamation. 3. The decision was taken by acclamation . 4. The resolution will be adopted by acclamation. 5. The Cornhuskers were No. 1 by acclamation. 6. Gone was the old public acclamation. 7. There was little meaningful internal debate, simply the acclamation of the charismatic leader. 8. The decision was taken by voice acclamation at a private session of the Democratic representatives. 9. When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation. 10. The reform resolution was adopted by acclamation. 11. The motion was carried by acclamation. 12. This is the applause acclamation that I want. 13. He was elected chairman by acclamation. 14. In hiddenness we do not receive human acclamation, admiration, support, or encouragement. 15. Honor comes in a continuous stream and acclamation keeps lasting. 16. The slate was approved by acclamation during the closing general session of the meeting. 17. At first it looked like I was going to win by acclamation. 18. He especially thanked for years of hard work, and this was received with strong acclamation. 19. There were tackles which brought the Aberdeen support to their feet in acclamation, and aroused different emotions in the rest. 20. For every one who came to power singing by acclamation. 21. They took an oath to the LORD with loud acclamation and with trumpets and horns. 22. We applaud her for this year in this extraordinary girl acclamation! 23. An integrated and multi-purposes laboratory for water and wastewater treatment and acclamation, noise monitoring and control, and technology for waste transformation and resources recovery. 24. A remarkably safe riding toy for all ages, the Swing Car has received global acclamation.