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1. Left: Scenes shot on telephoto appear to have compressed perspectives which can be used to good effect. 2. Nikon for instance produce a telephoto lens, several wide angle lenses and a fish-eye for their range of models. 3. His name for it was phono - telephoto. 4. I commonly use the Olympus 100 millimeter telephoto lens. 5. A telephoto lens is available as an option. 6. A bank of telephoto lenses homed in on him. 7. The combination of telephoto capabilities and an f/2.8 aperture throughout the zoom range up to 500mm makes this a great lens for wildlife, sports and for you stargazers, astrophotography. 8. Telephoto - type SLR cameras have a similar appearance, and more portable than the fuselage and zoom features. 9. You may use a zoom or telephoto lens on your camera. 10. C: I want a telephoto lens. Do you have one here? 11. These were made discreetly with the aid of a telephoto lens and with the full co-operation of the club. 12. Before getting out of the way , Steininger captured this digital photo with a 500 mm telephoto lens. 13. S : Yes, some of them include a built - in zoom lens with wide - angle and telephoto settings. 14. When shooting in wildness, photographers usually shoot with long telephoto lenses from a distance. 15. S : Pardon me. C : I want a telephoto lens. 16. One limiting factor is the viewing angle, which is comparable to using a camera lens: a telephoto lens has a narrower view than a wide-angle lens. 17. If you always shoot with - angle or normal lens, maybe it's time to try a telephoto. 18. There is also a small (0.2%) amount of measurable - and visible - pincushion distortion at the telephoto end of the zoom ( click here for test chart ). 19. Is the photo effective because it is compressed with a telephoto, or opened up with a wide-angle lens? 20. Still another kind of effect is apparent when you look through a telephoto lens.