sodomite造句 1. The sodomite captain proves brave, the sadist a bungler. 2. Imaged in such terms, the sodomite indeed became the supreme instance of the demonized other. 3. The sodomite sinners of this wicked nation deserve God's punishment. 4. That's the rumour which will begin to circulate: a poisoner as well as a sodomite. 5. An injury in a leg has one of them, caused for another prisoner that says that you do not want to sleep with a sodomite .英文造句wanted postersteel worksbulbedsclerosedrecordiststmpacking boxcontextual informationdeoxidizepoppaoccludersouthwestwardauditory perceptionindefinitenesscytotoxicitygas companybloodlesslytuxedoedsidenotepurslanestochastic variablemarginal rate of substitutionandromeda galaxydestination filesightreaderstorm-tossedroman architecturejob namemagnetic storm