palter with造句 1. He should not palter with the truth. 2. Don't palter with this question, answer it properly. 3. He shouldn't palter with a decision involving life and death. 4. Don't palter with the truth. 5. You should not palter with the truth. 6. Don't palter with me! 7. Please answer my questions quickly and properly, not palter with them. 8. Do not palter with a problem involving life and death.英文造句chromatismzidovudineRLbreadboxfull-dressglass casestep stoolday care centervice-LFSurbanisein the affirmativeconspecificseven seasvector diagramidolisedworld seriesneurogenicgonioscopydubrovnikall-embracinglatinatechlorellacorrugated ironactor"s linedefense secretaryin our favourintersexualityorinoco river