unrelentingly造句 1. The rain beat unrelentingly down. 2. Her face remained unrelentingly severe. 3. The rain continued unrelentingly. 4. People who are unrelentingly vilified tend to end up cold and hard. 5. With his right hand he unrelentingly kept whacking me with that umbrella. 6. The US and its allies should insist on this unrelentingly.英文造句waltza narrow escapegondolachiang kai-shekgestaltcobaltunforeseeablerecyclablefantasticallymigrant workerrelentlesslyjump bailshoppervantagecomputationstorekeepernominativesolemnizationadvisory opinionoptometrystatisticianautofocusinterlacedlanternenfranchisementissuancedignitaryleaningthistledown