gender造句1. Gender issues have become something of a hot button.
2. Does this test show the gender of the baby?
3. Jobs were strictly segregated by gender.
4. She examines the interplay between changing gender divisions and urban change.
5. Gender roles are often conditioned by cultural factors.
6. Latin nouns have case, number and gender.
7. Discrimination on grounds of race or gender is forbidden.
8. Gender discrimination is a hotly contested issue.
9. Dara challenges our stereotypical ideas about gender and femininity.
10. The problem raises wider issues of gender and identity.
11. It is not a person's gender that fits them to be a vicar but what is in their hearts.
12. Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.
13. Gender differences are becoming more blurred as both sexes become more liberated.
14. The government is working on tackling gender inequalities in employment.
15. There is an even gender balance amongst staff and students .
16. She argued that the law should always be gender neutral .
17. French differs from English in having gender for all nouns.
18. Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.
19. Here the political gender battle is reversed.
20. Gender is a bureaucratic solution to an antisocial habit.
21. Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the profession.
22. The sample of people questioned was drawn from the university's student register and stratified by age and gender.
23. Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.
24. From the beginning of my career as a journalist, I've been writing about gender issues.
25. She felt that her destiny had been shaped by her gender.
26. While her observations may be true about some men, they could hardly apply to the entire gender.
27. In both Welsh and Irish the word for "moon" is of feminine gender.
28. She modestly suggests that "sex, or at any rate gender, may account for the difference".
29. Managers may value different qualities in men than in women, reinforcing gender stereotypes.
30. In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.