Time Is A Force歌词 Verse I While a force of nature is falling down to earth Seas of tears and sadness, no one knows my worth. No reason for existence, to be or not to be … It's just a scene of madness, all the signs I was blind to see. Verse II Back on wasted places, the end of time's been reached covered human faces, I can't get no sleep. Like a force of nature pain is flooding me My scene of perdition, no reply to what it means to be歌词那悲伤的回忆悲情男人伤 再见寂寞 华尔兹破碎的爱今天网络无所谓 别让自己流眼泪千百年后谁还记得谁 汉武大帝插曲世界上最好的声音爽子与义和团 离开underground在这◇MIC PASS◇opportunity fair 清新小民谣在路上 实况足球2008里的一首歌 好节奏 赞Satellites丶(聽)Long Drive夏 至♥ 好听但不流行的歌 young for you 轻快节奏 ♥卍 The Final Sacrifice 卐黄金年代 放弃 原创开头就能吸引人. 女dancer进 绝不能错过强烈推荐一首很可爱的歌 听了心情一定会好because of you. 奋斗插曲甜美女声R&B歌曲的最顶点Eritza来吧慢摇 夜店电音开场 奇幻全场09最新神奇的松原Just Dance.﹑♧。 莫挤莫挤≈°恬淡