Murmurs歌词 present by It's tricky when You feel that someone Has done something On your behalf It's slippery when Your sense of justice Murmurs underneath And you're asking yourself How am I going to make it right? With a palm full of stars I throw them like dice Repeatedly On the table I shake them like dice And throw them on the table Until the desired constellation appears How am I going to make it right?歌词旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第1章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第2章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第3章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第4章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第5章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第6章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第7章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第8章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第9章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第10章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第11章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第12章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第13章旧约撒迦利亚书(亚)第14章旧约玛拉基书(玛)第1章旧约玛拉基书(玛)第2章旧约玛拉基书(玛)第3章旧约玛拉基书(玛)第4章新约马太福音(太)第1章新约马太福音(太)第2章新约马太福音(太)第3章新约马太福音(太)第4章新约马太福音(太)第5章新约马太福音(太)第6章新约马太福音(太)第7章新约马太福音(太)第8章新约马太福音(太)第9章新约马太福音(太)第10章新约马太福音(太)第11章