快好知 kuaihz

OH OH OH~We are the歌词
The name of the game is SOCCER! The name of the game is SOCCER! OH OH OH ~ We are the Winners~ 酒井 法子 HandsomeCK制作 Fight 心に 熱い誓い 今 大地に 風のように We are the Winners Yes,we‘re the Winners We are the Winnners The name of the game is SOCCER! The name of the game is SOCCER! Catch 勝利を この胸に さあ ゲームを 夢を探せ We are the Winners We are the Winners We are the Winners 誇り高戦士たちよ The name of the game is SOCCER! The name of the game is SOCCER! Yes,we‘re the Winners We are the Winners Yes,we are ,Yes,we are the Winners We are the winners いまうつぐしき せんしたちあ OH OH OH Vibration OH OH OH Celebration Wow wow OH OH OH Around the nation OH OH OH Celebration The name of the game is SOCCER! OH OH OH Vibration OH OH OH Celebration Wow wow OH OH OH Around