快好知 kuaihz

作詞:JESSE 制作 Here's a story about my band I met NK when I was one Played together cried together Experience'n all together Father & mother's friends & other's they had so much color's, For us to see, for us to be something we wanted to be 1996 had a performance, in front of million's of audience, Me, NK, Char & Yu now is the time to thank you That's the day the band was made it was the place for me to play To let go all the hate, guitar & drums that was it I just wanted to play with you I just wanted to play with you It's a story, here's story of my band Here's a story about my band, I was 16 wanting a trio band Wanting a Wood Base grunge の Player, thanks to Shingo sooner or later TokieのMemory you my family, Chick Bassist play'n カミナリ Made me crazy, her skill's