Talons歌词 And in the dark it comes for me Malevolent and without thought Uprooting trees, destroying cars Cold and relentless, with arms outstretched No boat nor brick Nor crucifix can hold it back I‘ve been wicked I‘ve been arrogant And when it comes it will feel like a kiss (Silent about it) And when it comes it will feel like a kiss And I cannot say that I was not warned or was misled And when it comes it will feel like a kiss Awaken from dreams of drunken car crashes You saddened my&nb歌词青茫-电影《谁的青春不迷茫》主题曲绅士作风两陷-电影《寒战2》主题曲初学者幸福城堡向着光亮那方-电影《谁的青春不迷茫》推广曲和自己跳舞爱情是青春的旅行-电视剧《柠檬初上》片尾曲一个人的春天时光尽头的恋人-电视剧《柠檬初上》片头曲相爱恨晚-电视剧《柠檬初上》 插曲我曾经也想过一了百了-电影《北京遇上西雅图之不二情书》主题曲我爱我自己2016 美国棉年度代言广告曲那枚钻戒快乐年代Take My Hand-电影《X战警-天启》中国区宣传推广曲算了吧 你不会明白的一转眼错案想不到是你爱非所爱心电感应808咱们离婚吧分手这杯酒后悔来不及一辈子为你心痛第一百四十期:老歌的韵味 - 珊珊再一次想起你走南闯北