Still Awake歌词 I ve been walking around, been making plans for later Somehow I lost them out of sight I ve been tracing steps all through this haunted borough, been feeling you I ve been prowling round like dogs in sordid alleys, crawling in and out of bars and it will all be gone tomorrow If you re still awake open up the door let my ordinary breakdown get you down once more Oh, if you re still awake open up the door It s an ordinary breakdown just an ordinary breakdown If you re still&n歌词Lexy(렉시) - 하늘위&ISSA 『白い雪』我的爱 - 河春花冬がはじまるよ feat.槇原敬之MC Sniper - 우리 집世界が终わるまでは Wands恋人 福山雅治チャンス!私の恋人なのに河村隆一-love is...For My Dear 浜崎あゆみMAutomatic 宇多田ヒカル明日へ 广末凉子ポケットAlone天空 - Voice one小田和正 - ダイジョウブ16歳の恋なんてGlass 河村隆一わかっていたはず 佐藤朱美桑田佳祐 - 明日晴れるかなAqua Timez - 千の夜をこえて夏のクラクションSUMMER SUSPICIONMemory 青春の光 モーニング娘黑色书包 - Banana广末凉子 - 大スキ魂のルフラン 高桥洋子