The Saving One歌词 7. Saving All I Own 田田 制作 The sound is so so sweet Show me what you are listening It close to your heart going through your head What's the raeson for all my life turn short? We are driving so fast that the trip I can't hide Saving all my own Saving all that own Some one be the one who keep tears in sun Saving all my own Saving all that own. I don't need your lie Just keep me inside Saving all my own. Saving all that own.歌词罗马书 8:3-4创世纪 22:12罗马书 6:22歌罗西书 1:16-17约翰福音 12:16约翰福音 20:26-29哥林多前书 2:7我歌颂祢启示录 14:13罗马书 5:3-5约伯记 6:8-11约翰福音 8:7耶稣我良友约翰福音 15:15约翰福音 10:3-4马太福音 5:34-37面对面创世记 32:26-29启示录 14:13创世记 12:7-8约翰福音 8:36罗马书 8:29-30以赛亚书 43:2路加福音 23:39-43马太福音 6:27-28以弗所书 1:19-21使徒行传 19:24-25出埃及记 32:7-8祷告心声诗篇 107:27-28约翰福音 3:13-15马太福音 7:24-27约翰福音 10:28-29