Die Macht歌词 The Libertines - Arbeit Macht Frei Roll a gasper The guard said he could stay alive But he has to shovel And burn his friends to die, people do die And on the gate read: Arbeit Macht Frei In her rollers And a gasper Cleaning the steps in the mean street Where no policeman walks the beat her old man; He don't like blacks or queers yet he's proud he beat the nazis, how queer... arbeit macht frei oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhh Arbeit macht frei END歌词雅各书 2:18希伯来书 11:24-26以西结书 44:15约翰福音 6:50-51使徒行传 11:26加拉太书 5:5-6马太福音 24:45-46哥林多后书 3:18提摩太前书 3:16常在葡萄树裡讚美基督耶稣历代志下 20:22哥林多前书 6:7-8罗马书 16:25-26哥林多后书 12:9申命记 29:29纪念主名约珥书 2:32希伯来书 9:15彼得前书 1:18-20约翰一书 2:27彼得前书 4:15-16出埃及记 2:10约翰福音 17:14-15希伯来书 1:2-3约翰福音 17:16歌罗西书 3:1-4求主充满我杯撒迦利亚 4:6以弗所书 2:5-7罗马书 10:6-8给第二次机会的神