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The Winter Fire歌词
Winter Fire and Snow 作者:Anuna 提交:深藏心蓝 歌词千寻 In winter fire is beautiful, 在冬季火是如此美丽 Beautiful like a song, 美得宛如一支歌曲 In winter snow is beautiful, 在冬季雪是如此美丽 All of the winter long.这美穿过整个冬季 And you, little son, come safely home, 而你,可爱的小孩儿 Riding the tail of the wind. 乘风而归 May you always come this safely home, 你能否总是这样安全地回家 In winter, fire and snow. 穿过风雪,回到家中温暖的炉火边 The day gets dark uneasily, 黑夜来的渐渐晚了 Darker and darker still, 天色渐暗 And you are gone to Carnevale,而你去了狂欢节 And I feel the winter chill. 而我终于感觉到冬日的寒 But you, little son, come safely home, 但你,可爱的小孩儿 Riding the tail of the wind. 乘风而归 May you always come this safely home 你能否总是这样安全地回家 In winter, fire and snow.穿过风雪,回到家中温暖的炉火边 But you, little son, come safely home, 但你,可爱的小孩儿 Riding the tail of the wind. 乘风而归 May you always come this safely home你能否总是这样安全地回家 In winter, fir