A Poem歌词 A Poem (Written In Moonlight) As I stand here in the dead of night I am embraced by a soft purple light It is not a christian light but deep and soft like dark wisdom to the fool but beware!!! Like wisdom details come with tim and everything appears so fine it is no damnation burning up your eyes where you see god and歌词Tizzy Bac-我又再度依恋上昨天TimeZ-偶像万万岁李克勤-合久必婚孙子涵-对着背影说爱你曹格-Super Sunshine范逸臣&戚薇-黑白之间陈冠希-Be My Baby成龙-国土林稷安&程于伦-我一直都在JS-爱情背包客萧敬腾-王子的新衣刘若英-亲爱的路人王啸坤-笑话李代沫-即客筷子兄弟-祝福你亲爱的许慧欣-Stereo的爱情故事本兮-Run Away张悬-南国的孩子范玮琪-一颗心的距离蔡健雅-Beautiful Love小编超喜欢Owl City-The Saltwater Room金海心-阳光下的星星张杰-恒星流星旋转门-我可能不会爱你郑钧&莫华伦-英雄郑钧-灰姑娘羽泉-朋友难当林冠吟-倒数罗志祥-敢不敢