Here Right Now歌词 Head in the clouds you never touch the ground You're in such a hurry You might lose what you've found In and out of town Time for you to settle down Stand back and take a look around you Running from the pressures of a restless world Hush for a moment, baby, just be still Here now Spend a minute next to me Slow d歌词启示录 2:20-23出埃及记 40:38罗马书 8:18哥林多前书 11:1约翰福音 17:20-23马可福音 16:7启示录 2:26-28路加福音 22:32主翅膀下申命记 32:11-12诗篇 2:1-2约翰福音 17:15-17列王记上 19:3-4哥林多前书 2:2-6以弗所书 3:13奇妙的平安约翰福音 16:33创世记 11:1-3路加福音 4:16-20提摩太后书 2:9哥林多前书 2:2-7彼得前书 2:13-14提摩太前书 1:15-16提摩太后书 3:14帖撒罗尼迦前书 1:9-10玛拉基书 1:14犹大书 1:3申命记 13:1-3约翰福音 15:18-19耶利米书 23:29-30耶利米书 4:23-26