Ride The Ride歌词 Take all of the money Take all of the sweet plum of the pie Don't say that you love me Don't say it's for me it's a lie Now you got yourself so wrapped up in it All you gotta do is wait a minute All you gotta do is ride the ride Ride the ride, ride the ride Blowing a smokescreen Never looking&nbs歌词约翰福音 4:12-13我的眼睛已经看见罗马书 4:17加拉太书 6:14约翰福音 4:20-24歌罗西书 3:13使徒行传 1:8希伯来书 2:1耶利米书 33:20-21约翰福音 12:49-50约翰一书 1:1灵里生活雅歌 5:6约翰一书 1:10腓立比书 4:18-20哥林多前书 4:5加拉太书 4:4-5马太福音 1:21歌罗西书 1:20-22约翰一书 4:18神掌权历代志下 20:12耶利米书 48:11希伯来书 6:4-8路加福音 10:29-30讚父奇爱何西阿书 2:14-15路加福音 2:8-11以赛亚书 55:12罗马书 5:17加拉太书 5:25以赛亚书 9:6-7诗篇 126:1-4