Ask Me No Questions歌词 If I told you I don't mind Would you believe me? When I say to you, you're not my kind Do I deceive you with this fragile disguise? Ask me no questions And I will tell you no lies If you could read my heart I would not deny But I pretend All these tears on my face don't imply That I'm not happy&n歌词以弗所书 1:21-22马太福音 20:25-28这是我的爱子…你们要聼祂。创世纪 42:36哥林多前书 15:50-52罗马书 6:19被替换的生命诗篇 121:1-2神要差遣你去服事谁?约翰福音 5:21-24诗篇 46:5-7出埃及记 34:2-3路加福音 12:9-10约翰福音 1:25-26马太福音 6:25-29使徒行传 8:4-24歌罗西书 3:14彼得前书 3:3-4民数记 27:18-23约翰福音 13:3-4提摩太后书 3:15-17马太福音 8:28-34彼得前书 3:20-21玛拉基书 3:10以弗所书 5:15-17哥林多后书 1:3-5罗马书 6:3-11诗篇 32:1-2使徒行传 19:2-3