快好知 kuaihz

美丽的昆士兰 - 闾文娴&向爱平 那是个美丽的地方 没有人不被那美妙所呼唤 天蓝蓝 彩云变幻舞翩翩 海蓝蓝 海鸥白浪逐金滩 天蓝蓝 海蓝蓝 阳光总灿烂 海风微拂原野 丛林涛绿无边 闲居海岸观日出 滨海大道咖啡间 梦里寻你千百度 神仙故里就在昆士兰 昆士兰噢昆士兰 风景如画的昆士兰 自然和谐的昆士兰 空气清新的昆士兰 生机无限的昆士兰 我最友好的昆士兰 It is a beautiful coast land Everyone comes here for it’s wonders See the blue sky, the iridescent clouds flying See the blue sea, the white waves pat the beach See blue sky, see blue sea, the sun always shining Gentle breeze blows the fields Enjoy the green of the forest Stay in the coast. View sunrise Have a cup of coffee on beach avenue Dream you ,dream you thousands of time The fairy stayed in here Queensland Queensland Oh Queensland Here is picturesque Queensland Natural and harmonious Queensland Fresh air, fresh air in Queensland Limitless vitality of Queens