deceiver of fools歌词 Within Temptation - Deceiver Of Fools Lyrics He told the tale so many times About the dream not meant to be In a world of the free He plays with your mind As faith for the future faded fast He grows strong with their displeasure It sets him free Deceiver of hearts Deceiver of fools He rules with fear Deceiver of hearts Deceiver 歌词你是我的唯一 - 巫启贤我的爸爸 - 吕雯开心就好 - 胡雪盟情永落 - 側田王磊 - 靠近我怎么舍得让你走 - 王梓宏Mad U So - 張繼聰胡兵&蒋曦儿 - 不知不觉你是真的爱我吗 - 张真菲沂蒙山小调 (山东) - 彭丽媛Hip Hop Tonight - 李玟Forever Love - 许仁杰叶一茜&邓卫 - 化蝶最真的梦 - 周华健小野菊离开我 - 卢学叡千秋万岁 - 沙宝亮对一个人的爱错 - 草蜢爱的光 - 谭维维无奈 - 邓丽君残爱 - 徐佳莹爱与哀愁 - 童安格是不是这样的夜晚你才想起我 - 吴宗宪孤单的心痛 - 周慧敏忘情森巴舞 - 草蜢情人密码 - 李风持胆小的男生 - 武家祥无奈那天 - 王菲背影 - 王菲