Date With the Night歌词 I got a date with the night burnin down my finger Gonna catch the kids dry gonna walk on water Buying out the fight we're sweatin in the winter Both Thighs squeeze tight Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Choke Don tell me to fix her don tell me to fix her Just take a bite no hangin no歌词江南-(丽水版)-强烈推荐烟民成长记《算你狠-笑到住医院版》搞笑音乐剧《无敌破烂王》【…笨小孩CS版…】中学时代之杆杆烟【爆笑】海哥打群架→从来不虚【决对搞笑的歌曲】十三不亲贵阳话极品搞笑说唱【爱情骗子我问你】重庆嫩雀儿〖吃烟斗要着〗街娃儿对面的女孩看过来VS视频美眉【川普歪唱】斗地主跪到地下唱征服【圣诞节】老百姓挨腾快餐常餐特餐『灰色幽默の爱情骗局』老周《猛追弯三狼行》星晴歪唱-倒霉的生日宴《偶木有钱 偶⒏要脸》钕生版『绝版搞笑』江南之【可怜的猪】【爆笑五峰土话版】男人的无奈【偷】系列之一【偷米】【川普歪唱】怎样感冒【川谱】-散装追女仔【天府广场被困】路漫漫~我们不能没有钱川味无限VS江山无限