Evacuee歌词 Each time on my leaving home I run back to my mother's arms, one last hold and then it's over. Watching me, you know I cry, you wave a kiss to say goodbye, Feel the sky fall down upon me! All I am, a child with promises All I have are miles full of promises of home. If only I could stay with you, my train moves on, you're gone from view, Now I must wait until it's over. Days will pass, your words to me, it seems so long; eternity, but I must wait until it's over.歌词GD殿下 butterfly郁可唯 魏晨 天下有情人以爱为名..¥ 只谈情不说爱ˉ▃爱情公寓第二十集的感人插曲~~~~吐血推荐我的烦恼是你Bar^^让她开心怕寂寞r&b慢摇去.旅行For フルーツバスケット这首歌有她的演绎 Lynnsha & Si Seulement我爱粉刷匠╮从夏天到秋天正点club巴其坦波拉丁舞曲男声club印度男女对唱club印度男唱Reggea舒服女子印度Arash慢摇独家极品印度RNB女声慢摇印度新娘 慢摇印度慢摇印度慢摇欢快气氛说唱金缕衣完整版·董贞印度神油Break Beat超级韩国慢嗨音乐忧伤节奏蓝色口琴.黑色幽默.太空喜欢两个人(彭佳慧)2009Rnb慢摇