La Ballade Of Lady And Bird歌词 Bird : Lady? Lady : Yes Bird? Bird : It's cold Lady : I know Lady : Bird... I cannot see a thing Bird : It's all in your mind Lady : I'm worried Bird : No one will come to see us Lady : Maybe they come but we just don't see them歌词约翰一书 5:11-12约翰福音 3:5-6罗马书 4:25启示录 4:1-2彼得前书 3:7约翰福音 19:38-40快乐日哈巴谷书 3:17-18希伯来书 12:22-24希伯来书 12:18-22腓立比书 3:8-12哥林多后书 1:21-22主若是诗篇 84:5-6约翰福音 16:1-3诗篇 68:17-18马太福音 6:33哥林多后书 11:2-3诗篇 45:8-9诗篇 63:8恳求圣灵充满我使徒行传 4:31-33哥林多前书 12:12-14诗篇 45:6-7诗篇 91:9-10在花园中雅歌 4:16约翰福音 14:16使徒行传 8:26-40主恩典够我用哥林多后书 12:9马太福音 26:40-41使徒行传 8:20-22加拉太书 2:11-12