The Trouble With Love Is歌词 love can be of many splended things,cant deny the joy it brings,dozen roses,diamond rings,dreams for sale fairytales.It ll make you hear a symphony, you just want the world to see but like a drug that makes you blind,it ll fool ya everytime.. Clarkson Kelly CHOURS-the trouble with love is,it can tear you up inside,make ya heart歌词以弗所书 5:25-27诗篇 40:5-8罗马书 5:7-8提摩太前书 6:6-8诗篇 22:19-22路加福音 12:32约翰一书 1:9-10献己于主罗马书 6:13诗篇 22:14-18歌罗西书 3:11约伯记 6:10约翰一书 3:2-3诗篇 22:9-10腓立比书 1:6希伯来书 10:24-25马太福音 7:12帖撒罗尼迦后书 1:3-4诗篇 16:8-10历代志下 20:12约翰福音 17:11什一奉献玛拉基书 3:10诗篇 8:3-5以赛亚书 53:4-6马太福音 11:9-11希伯来书 3:6启示录 12:11雅各书 1:13-15我要唱耶和华的大慈爱诗篇 106:12-15哥林多前书 15:55-57