Curtain Fall歌词 Curtain fall Sophie Zelmani No more time, spared for waiting No thoughtfulness to blame it on I am giving up on you You are giving up on me That is why our meeting does not come I do not recognize my skin when it is callous Or this emptiness that is replaced my heart Do not need you anymore You do not need歌词谢军-等你《全民公主》插曲-无法长大曾沛慈-一个人还是想着一个人小凌-叫我女王吴克群&钟欣桐-全部都给你周杰伦&温岚-屋顶卢广仲-我爱你苏打绿-相信阿译-忘记你需要多久胡佳琛-爱忧伤陈珊妮-夏雪马天宇-该死的温柔安以轩-如果那天没有遇见你东来东往-回到我身边阿宝-爱你在心口难开温力铭-疯了汪苏泷-停止跳动苏打绿&张韶涵-蓝眼睛许嵩-半城烟沙王力宏-大城小爱《花非花雾非雾》主题曲张睿-花非花雾非雾南拳妈妈-Here We Go庾澄庆&吴莫愁-我要给你《小时代》插曲付梦妮-雨冯曦妤-Shining FriendsTank-如果我变成回忆麦田守望者-电子祝福《天天有喜》插曲穆婷婷-望爱《天天有喜》插曲陆昱霖-一对