sympathize歌词 It ain#t no jive I was burning alive Whenever you walk in the room It happened so quickly I was feeling so sickly Like a lover who lost his muse The sharks in the tank or The men in the bank He wants my money to loan I can#t understand What the hell is his plan While he ain#t even got a home Ain#t got a home歌词【爱在哈佛】爱在哈佛【魔女幼熙】命运的恶作剧【宫】宫【对不起我爱你】对不起我爱你【火鸟】为你的爱【小妇人】小妇人【爱在哈佛】主题曲 So In Love【oh! 必胜 奉顺英】The Way Of Life【My Girl】Never Say Goodbye【谢谢】约定【爱上女主播】真爱【新娘18岁】我爱你【谢谢】Hun【冬季恋歌主题曲】从开始到现在【夏日香气】夏日香气【My Girl主题曲】爱似麻烦【一枝梅】花神【夏日香气】你的香气大手拉小手 - 许慧欣另一半 - 许茹芸Melody - 陶喆夏天的圣诞节 - B.A.D沿海公路的出口 - s.h.e我愿意 - 陈晓东害怕 - 孙燕姿被遗忘的天使守护者 - 周蕙我要的飞翔 - 许飞一个人就好 - 刘力扬