快好知 kuaihz

U Can Make It歌词
Lost&Found 詞曲:JUJU、E-3 JUJU-Lost&Found 制作 I've been though my life series つづく階段上り続ける ...& now I've found my way to go あてのない夢追い続ける I've lost so many friends I love オトナになると失うことばかり but gotta keep moving on… w/all my regrets. 止まらない時間を超えて 見続ければ夢は叶うもの 儚く過ぎる現在を 怖がってた私は遠い昔 Only u can make it through Even if u feelin' down tonight Only u can make it through Make it through if u believe in u Only u can make it through Even if u feelin' down tonight Only u can make it through Make it through if u believe in u もう戻ることのない頃に思いを馳せて 痛みと引き換えに知った faith & respect Only thing U need right now is belief & smile on ur face. Just remember, u can be whatever u want!