Another Earthquake!歌词 Aaron Carter - Another Earthquake Just when you thought it was safe Shake, Shake, Shake When i hit town yo the party can't fail i'm hittin 20 on the richtor scale Gotta hundred million people spillin coffee and stains On your brand new shirt oh that reminds you of me when you feel your gums flap it's Aaron's rap Watch yourself i'ma歌词八十块环游世界-Twins少女时代 - 少女时代美国偶像 - Green Day海 - UP谁是mvp - 潘玮柏给你给我 - 张韶涵Angel - 神话together-高耀太WAX - 哥哥我不懂 - Kara奢望 - FTislandNonsense - 高耀太旅行 - SM Town诱惑 - Muse用眼泪 - 李正Tank - 延长比赛一生 - UN想念 - 敏孝琳Teenager Superstar - 赵敏惠(背景)无尽的故事-伊藤由奈飞机 - 乌龟雨后 - 徐英恩我们很般配 - 成诗京20 30 40 - 张艾嘉怪怪女 - 青鸟飞鱼姐姐的梦 玄英王妃 - 萧敬腾我的爱 - 殆死悲爱舞林盟主 - 戴雪儿