Demolition Man歌词 Tied to the tracks and the trains fast coming Strapped to the wing with the engine running You say that this wasn t in your plan And don t mess around with the demolition man Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking This situation was not of your picking You say that this wasn t in your plan And don t mess around with the demolition man I m a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom I kill conversation as I walk into the room I m a three line whip, I歌词阿嬷的话 - 萧煌奇财神到 - 许冠杰万沛鑫 - 别把我的爱给他邱晓蒨-口说无凭但愿人长久 - 邓丽君蔓珠莎华 - 梅艳芳空城 - 王菲陈珊妮-演歌曹方 - 纪念册内心戏 - 郑秀文许仁杰-忘了说爱你黄伊汶 - 渴求相信有一天 - 天空乐队刘若英 - 我深深期待十诫 - 郑秀文不怕寂寞 - 张国荣张悬-如果你冷范玮琪&周笔畅&梁咏琪 - 梦想在望激情 - 林忆莲郑元畅&彭于晏&张钧宁&伊藤千晃&李国毅 - 幸运草的祝福爱慕 - 张国荣顺子-Sunrises光荣之家 - 何韵诗伍佰-寂寞丛林张韶涵 - 复活节张惠妹&孙楠 - FOREVER FREIND王筝-西安爱情故事将冰山劈开 - 梅艳芳王筝-阳光变成淡蓝色