Stripped歌词 Christina Aguilera - Stripped Intro I've waited a long time for this It feels right now Allow me to introduce myself I want you to come a little closer I'd like you to get to know me a little bit better Meet the real me Sorry you can't define me Sorry I break the mold Sorry that I speak my mind Sorry don't do what I'm told Sorry if I don't fake it Sorry I come too real I will never hide what I really feel Huh, so here it is No hype, no gloss, no pretense Just me Stripped END歌词绝逸飞仙unfaithful°完美女声 一首歌一个故事安静还是喧闹不能分手的分手fly fly fly 注意:携带低音炮入内维塔斯 第五元素音乐孤零零 很干净的好声音 你会错过吗即使耗尽一生去追逐也在所不惜的爱.追寻这不一样的音乐.我们真的很感谢...白 雪情缠 董贞乡村behind the clouds像草一样大气开场 嗨起走 ↘ ↘ Solid Base不喜死金的勿近 The Last One for Life萧瑟春秋爱与不爱一個人的雨墨尘音いのちの名前 千与千寻忘了开回梦游仙 月夜魂爱的好望角科恩的音乐 节奏很NB玩儿WOW时听的歌拿出来晒晒 科恩的必听曲目超感人的歌儿.女孩子听了会落泪地. My Prayer少年の梦菊 一首中国风歌曲 非常非常好听不要忘记 dont forget