erians mystical rhymes歌词 Erian s Mystical Rhymes (The White Dragon s Order) In primordial times of sorrow Ancient ages of the known world Kron s reign of terror was rising So the Skylords sent their angels Against the storm that treathened heavens Seven wars were so fought The dead rose Led by the Darklords of Hell The last war Meant the end Of hellgod s歌词我迷恋草原沈园情梦愛のしるしMr.ハローあの日のさよなら feat. 鷲尾伶菜Would you marry me? feat. 植松陽介HOLIDAY feat. 三浦大知PROUD of MY DREAM feat. 松本良喜Bright Light feat. ライムベリーHotcha-两个人心动许嵩-降温吴雨霏-座右铭陈坤-幻觉棒棒堂-最佳男配角庾澄庆-无尽透明的思念范玮琪&鲍丹-你不知道的事冷漠-我爱你胜过你爱我JS-完美的谎言张芸京-情人结苏夏-一脸沧桑去望北林俊杰-白兰花庄心妍&冷漠-梦缠绵伊稀-安静听完这一首陈绮贞-After 17Sweety-樱花草陶喆-一念之间温岚-热浪胡夏-还好有个你魏如萱-困在