The Post War Dream歌词 tell me true tell me why was Jesus crucified is it for this that daddy died? was it for you? was it me? did i watch too much t.v.? is that a hint of accusation in your eyes? if it wasn't for the nips being so good at building ships the yards would still be open on the clyde and it can't歌词寂寞的季节 - 陶喆可爱不可爱 - 张智成找回自己 - 蔡淳佳离开我的理由 - 伤感情歌好听爱上我 - T.R.Y受了点伤 - 阿桑放爱情一个假 - 许慧欣不流泪的机场 - 林俊杰为你动情 - 姜玉阳爱无罪 - 迪克牛仔苦月亮 - 孙洁只要有你陪在我身边 - 冷漠&杨小曼假如爱能重来过 - 顾峰假如你还在这里 - 罗志祥顶多是偶尔 - 许茹芸隐形人 - 孙燕姿洛丽塔 - 卓亚君我想要说 - 蔡旻佑搞笑 - 罗志祥一个人勇敢 - 卓文萱可惜不是你 - 梁静茹不败的恋人 - 徐若瑄我知道 - 东来东往一生中最爱的人 - 艾歌假如 - 信乐团无心伤害 - 杜德伟他还是不懂 - S.H.E被爱伤害以后 - 东来东往幼稚园杀手rap