Turn Up The Sun歌词 I carry a madness Everywhere I go Over the border and back to the snow So if you see me and I look right through You shouldn't take it as a reflection on you Come on, turn up the sun Turn it up for everyone Love one another Love one another The boys in the bubble They wanna be free They got so blind That they cannot歌词以弗所书 5:25-27诗篇 40:5-8罗马书 5:7-8提摩太前书 6:6-8诗篇 22:19-22路加福音 12:32约翰一书 1:9-10献己于主罗马书 6:13诗篇 22:14-18歌罗西书 3:11约伯记 6:10约翰一书 3:2-3诗篇 22:9-10腓立比书 1:6希伯来书 10:24-25马太福音 7:12帖撒罗尼迦后书 1:3-4诗篇 16:8-10历代志下 20:12约翰福音 17:11什一奉献玛拉基书 3:10诗篇 8:3-5以赛亚书 53:4-6马太福音 11:9-11希伯来书 3:6启示录 12:11雅各书 1:13-15我要唱耶和华的大慈爱诗篇 106:12-15哥林多前书 15:55-57