windowpane歌词 1. Windowpane Blank face in the windowpane Made clear in seconds of light Disappears and returns again Counting hours, searching the night Might be waiting for someone Might be there for us to see Might be in need of talking Might be staring directly at me Inside plays a lullaby Slurred voice over children cries&nb歌词以赛亚书 39:4哥林多前书 1:24马太福音 26:26-28约翰福音 17:17-19提摩太后书 4:17-18多多认识耶稣腓立比书 3:8希伯来书 8:10-11使徒行传 3:14-19彼得后书 1:5-7马太福音 16:13-16马太福音 7:7-8路加福音 22:39-44箴言 28:1真理是他罗马书 5:2-3耶利米书 15:19约伯记 19:23-27马太福音 11:28-29依靠主永远膀臂撒迦利亚 4:6箴言 3:7-8以弗所书 1:19-20约翰福音 15:4-5罗马书 2:14-15马太福音 27:19-24雅各书 1:6-8歌林多后书 3:18出埃及记 4:11-12以弗所书 3:16约翰福音 13:1-5