Hairspray Queen歌词 I was your mineyou were mine I didn"t mean you were mine I was your You"re in a you rang yours rangI was your mine you were mine I didnt mean you were mine I was your Your in aAt night wishful gardens At night where the heart is At night disco gardens At night well be ga.......I was your&nb歌词轩尼诗广告特别推荐:昨天再见(国语)有点伤感∮¨ 小染珍爱推荐& 空气中的烟圈 都是对你的思念我常常失去很虐很虐的一首歌 不虐骂我< 耳朵听你说 > 很赞的的原创 < 命中注定 > 男女对唱 很赞的原创< 我的鞋带 > 很赞的原创< straight and narrow > 激情推荐 ¥ 退出.今天 8.12 上傳 经典瑞典女生RNB¥ 罂粟花的暧昧▃Show Me Yoru Love寂寞惹的祸好听的女说唱丶..(^ω^)丶Low 英国UK单曲榜TOP40经典系列欧美群星(好听推荐)Be My Lover Hysterie清爽的印度男唱好FUNKY重庆妹儿要得i miss you 青春美少女吻得太逼真 张敬轩 华人群星STAN很老很有感觉的一个歌百听不厌深渊的冒险(又名:倒斗生死恋)强人为盗墓笔记写的歌轮回 极品公子经典音乐掩饰寂寞¥ ━━━ ﹃ 跟 我 走爵士蓝调 左岸咖啡音乐月火水木金土日哥哥的女友 creamsomewhere over the rainbow 励志英文歌