five colours in her hair歌词 She s got a lip ring five colours in her hair Not into fashion but I love the clothes she wears Her tatoos alwassy hidden by her underwear But she don t care Everybody wants to know her name I threw a houseparty she came Everyone asks me Who the hell is she? That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair She 歌词溪风泪Daylight of the evening 白昼之夜Bonnic Winds很感人的一首曲子(极品好歌系列)88号酒吧 主打气氛Aloha Heja He遥远的日子杏の季節我要的坚强 不是谁的肩膀太认真太天真爱不灭Mix & 夜店魅音前场Hip.hop节奏V14Mix & 夜店魅音前场Hip.hop节奏V15当爱成记忆魔兽成疯浅爱为龙拉乌U一起去种田此情不关风与月Summer Whisper 吉他女声呢喃的声音绝绝绝绝绝绝绝绝绝纯纯纯纯纯纯纯纯纯纯婚 禮 約 會张北草原音乐节主题曲 欢迎来到草原昔时蝶恋舍不得七夕的分手听郁可唯 写一首歌郁氏演绎 可唯韵律 魏晨助阵 天下有情人异域风情 异域万物生 可唯要带你接受新味道你都知道死神来了III 片尾曲 Love Train