Losing My Senses歌词 Album:World Needs A Hero Title:Losing My Senses Dave Mustaine One man speaking the truth No one likes when it fits So we tell soothing lies betray our own lips The uncivilized world its people decay Once sweet breeze is defiled Sucking our breath away Fill Solos - Mustaine Yesterday s answers has nothing to do With today s questions Life can only be歌词歌罗西书 3:2-3马太福音 23:25-26哥林多后书 1:3-7哥林多后书 7:6-7以弗所书 3:17-19提摩太前书 3:12罗马书 5:5-11腓立比书 1:20马太福音 11:25-26以赛亚书 1:3-4利未记 23:3路加福音 1:32-33申命记 33:25马太福音 26:39-42出埃及记 14:13-14约翰福音 6:27约翰一书 1:7启示录 12:10雅各书 1:25路加福音 14:26-29彼得前书 5:8-9路加福音 4:17-19以弗所书 1:20-21雅歌 2:14约翰福音 17:24路加福音 14:15-24彼得前书 1:8马太福音 22:10-13何西阿书 6:1