Muscle_Museum歌词 she had something to confess to, but you don't have the time so look the other way you will wait until it's over: to reveal what you'd never shown her too little much too late too long trying to resist it, you've just gone and missed it it's escaped our worldcan you see that i have needed, begging for so&歌词以弗所书 1:22-23罗马书 4:17-21哥林多前书 15:1-4箴言 21:30希伯来书 11:8-16马可福音 8:23-24腓立比书 3:21约书亚记 7:21诗篇 51:1-4路加福音 14:1-10马太福音 17:20路加福音 5:19-20提摩太前书 1:13-16雅各书 4:4-5哥林多前书 13:1-3诗篇 131:1-3诗篇 51:6-8提摩太前书 6:10罗马书 8:33-39那鸿书 1:12罗马书 12:19-20启示录 22:11-12那缠累我们的罪马太福音 5:38-41创世记 22:16-17约翰福音 15:26-27诗篇 37:35-36箴言 23:26约书亚记 17:18