the thorn歌词 Artist: Leaves' Eyes Album: Vinland Saga Title: The Thorn I hope that he will be safe Hopefully return in April I've heard the winds speak of a fight And it hit my heart like a thorn Whispering voice appear I can't escape what I feel All I can see All I believe in Is connected to our kind歌词东海湾·梦中仙灵天龙八部·幽幽隐香处如果眼泪不记得 吴听彻「超I ♥ Yōū」∶很欢快.能让人忘记烦恼迦殇舒服的调调 calendar girl清水酌茗如梦令ediq迴梦游仙touch 回旋梯I Hate Myself Loving You 狠狠的女声摇滚鼓点与鼓点的撞击 完美Rap晚安 城市消失在遗忘之前.爱情与战争Tune The Rainbow 调律彩虹真的爱你 女生版仙剑改编 风中祭你仙剑改编 心折 寄逍遥仙剑改编 末路花麦嘿.麦嘿.麦嘿.别哭我最爱的人.可爱广告音乐真理引导恋爱达人英文版I Believe然后 然后 然后车夫 受过伤的男人必听镇魂曲 I d give my heart