Trampled Underfoot歌词 The Showdown - Prometheus The Fires Of Deliverance 卜超 制作 No weight, no love, resurrected like the sun Sight the scope, exhale the smoke Heart and hand and eyes move slow Pull it back and, pull it back and run Deliverance, give us your world Give us your dreams, trampled underfoot Bow to the new regime or burn Virus empire, wolves and sheep the same skin wear Blood and lead and the rotting dead Bid the vultures come be fed Let freedom, let freedom ring歌词快乐英雄-潘玮柏幸福の条件-GIRL NEXT DOOR不相信ダーリン I LOVE YOU華爛漫 -flowers-Terra爱得起-梁咏琪街道-林俊杰哥哥的心努力吧病毒我的主题曲-江语晨呼唤你的歌Gee-少女时代On & ON – D Mand feat. NacoleDance – 跳舞Bet on It – 必杀技听着情歌流眼泪dj - 高进回心转意dj - 黑龙不怨天不怨地dj - 程科我不是公主dj - 凤凰传奇爱在现实面前(阿木)-_[Dj庭锋_Reimx]我们的爱还在不在dj - 顾建华真的为你哭了dj - 韩信分手以后做个朋友dj 黑龙冬天里的一把火dj - 费翔皓天 - 别哭了宝贝 - dj - dj 阿圣 remix张国荣 - 黑色午夜 -dj 波仔 mix老人与海dj - 海鸣威李志洲 - 放手让你走 - dj - remix