Rider Of The Astral Fire歌词 There between the eight suns right before the system Hazor shines the silent planet Alkor Zephyr is its name Surface made of magma of wide oceans and volcanos middle dusty regions where no trace of life is found From the space an ancient secret soon will mark this old world In the southern region live the people of Iraklia descendants of peaceful ancient 歌词威士忌安魂曲 Whiskey LullabyForgiven死亡 远不及活着痛苦Dark痛苦的信仰.我们还能支撑多久 美麗的花 うつくしき花A Sadness Song黑暗里的诗歌 送给我的朋友们: Dear Friend小李飞刀之李寻欢你笑着流出了泪~~~陪你去死 ≮原创≯让我们上山下乡马路边的孩子超度 AK47august band 普通人在死亡中重生If you’re not the one特露之歌星の流れに中国风说唱 R&B 忆Es Ist Vorbei(一切都过去了) 旋律很美哦it is ok 偶很喜欢扭秧歌mika lollipop ☆Lucifer★推荐摘星open arms 5566 格斗天王插曲☆Lucifer★推荐97狼名侦探柯南 i still belive情系吾人黑色翅膀 痛到心底无法自拔世界の約束