快好知 kuaihz

命运 陈旭歌词
歌名:祭恋 Today 本来说好我们约会 但我等到眼前的天空已经一片漆黑 又看到手中的玫瑰慢慢的枯萎 不祥的预感让我担心你的安危 我很疲惫 却无法入睡 突然传来消息 What do you say 啊 无法忍住眼泪 用我的泪水 洗净你的墓碑 看着你渐渐憔悴 想着你伤心的再次掉眼泪 爱让我如此沉醉 我支离破碎 My girl open your eyes and look at me Do you know how sad am I after you leave I just want to go please That will be I love you I need you I wanna be with you Come on girl wake up and marry me I want to have a baby belongs to you and me I want to feel da air that you rise Don't sleep baby please baby 真爱从不想放弃 你离我而去 无助的我在哭泣 真爱不会再回来 矗立在颠峰 盲目的等待 爱怎会如此短暂 如流星瞬间灿烂后又毁灭 爱竟然如此凄惨 真爱已凋谢 Oh God Is not fair everything is going bad Oh my darling how can you try me like that I wanna kiss your mouth and hold your hands You a da most important person that I have God ans