The End Of Summer歌词 「the end of Summer(夏)」 作詞∶Cocco 作曲∶Cocco 歌∶Cocco I do not smoke but sometimes I do When a night like tonight is Summer's end I do not drink but sometimes I need to When the rain without sound is Summer's end Good-bye, Good-bye there's the smell of the next sky My love, My love Good-bye and Good night You will not come but sometimes I dream When a night like tonight is Summer's end 賴潤誠制作歌词约翰一书 4:1马太福音 12:41-42约翰福音 14:26平安歌腓立比书 4:6-7哥林多前书 12:28-30主耶稣,我爱你创世记 39:20-23哥林多前书 12:7约翰一书 1:5-6哥林多前书 12:28主如明亮晨星希伯来书 10:35-36约翰福音 4:13-14罗马书 8:10-11以赛亚书 6:5加拉太书 5:16-18彼得前书 2:9-10利未记 8:24这是天父世界以赛亚书 49:14-16彼得前书 2:4-5以弗所书 6:10-11使徒行传 18:24-25帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:18哥林多前书 4:9-13约翰福音 14:27主常常顾念我以赛亚书 53:7歌罗西书 3:1-3启示录 2:14-17罗马书 11:22出埃及记 12:39历代志下 18:1-24