I ll leave it up to you歌词 tell me what you wanna do i will leave it up to you but i don‘t wanna lose you now tomorrow or forever i‘ll give you all the time you need hoping you will come to see that you and i were meant to be made to be together i‘m so scared i never thought i‘d lose the love we shared the love that always felt so right chorus:i‘ll leave it up to you,‘cause i know i could never let you go i‘ll leave it up to you to decide search your heart your歌词写给十五岁的我 手紙 拝啓 十五の君へ经典老歌.法语francis cabrel octobreI decided 天籁般的R&B如果薆 请祢在爱等 陈百强最后悔愛谁夏目友人帐续片尾曲 爱してる或许有些事物就隐藏在那里-来自Eversleeping没有如果(全球首播)——梁静茹孤影铭 慕容紫英同人歌曲风中祭你 玄宵云天青同人歌曲凤凰语·两相望 夙玉同人歌曲韶华不为少年留 紫纱同人歌曲世上岂有神仙哉·祭夙玉 夙玉同人歌曲红叶·乘风我愿 慕容紫英同人歌曲I Remember 郭采洁苍天有负·玄霄 玄宵同人歌曲归·祭天青夙玉 青玉同人歌曲仙剑赋 仙剑同人歌曲璃歌 柳梦璃同人歌曲kaleidoscope万花筒深陷于蓝色之中Please Shine 请照亮Dead Of Winter 死亡的冬季月亮河 moon river我的宝贝 这男声听得有点心痛这个杀手不太冷 主题曲命运奏鸣曲