快好知 kuaihz

Cooler Than Me歌词
If I could write you a song to make you fall in love 如果我能给你写首歌并使你爱上我 I would already have you up under my arm 那么我早已准备拥你入怀 I used up all of my tricks, I hope that you like this 我用尽了所有的计谋 我希望你能喜欢这些 But you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me 但是你可能不会 因为你认为你比我更酷 You got designer shades just to hide your face and 你带着墨镜 刚好遮住了你的脸 You wear 'em around like you're cooler than me 你带着它就好像 你比我更酷 And you never say "hey" or remember my name 你从来不打招呼 或记得我的名字 And it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me 这可能是因为你觉得你比我更酷 You got your high brow shoes on your feet 你带着你自以为的高修养 你脚上的鞋子 And you wear 'em around like it ain't shit 你穿着它们就好它们不是狗屎 But you don't know the way that you look 但是你不知道 When your steps make that much noise 当你走路发出声音时的样子 Shh, I got you all figured out 嘘 我都看透你了 You need every one's eyes just to feel seen 你需要万众瞩目的感觉 Behind your make up nobody knows who you even are 在你背后根本没有人知道你是谁 Who